About us

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the complexities of life. We understand that sometimes we neglect our own well-being, only to find ourselves facing mounting challenges that require our attention. That's why we're here to lend a helping hand and guide you towards healing your inner self.

At mindavel, we firmly believe that everyone deserves happiness and the opportunity to live their best lives. With the remarkable advancements in Artificial Intelligence, we've harnessed its power to create an AI coach that can truly understand and engage in meaningful conversations with you. Our AI coach is not just a program; it's a trusted companion on your journey towards personal growth.

Founded by a team of passionate individuals, mindavel has been carefully crafted with the active support of experts in the field. Our founders' unwavering commitment to your well-being has resulted in the birth of this remarkable AI coach. But our journey doesn't end there. We are dedicated to continuously improving our AI coach, expanding its features, and offering the expertise of human advisors for even more complex topics in the future.

Your feedback and experiences are invaluable to us. We genuinely look forward to hearing from you, as it allows us to refine and enhance mindavel to better serve your needs. Please feel free to reach out to us at hello@mindavel.com with any thoughts, suggestions, or questions you may have.

With mindavel by your side, you're not alone in navigating life's challenges. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, where trust, professionalism, and friendship intertwine seamlessly. Welcome to the mindavel family!